So, if you sense that your ex is secretly missing you (eg because she's still open to interacting with you, she always responds to your texts or messages in a friendly, open way, she's nice to you even though you've broken up), then sending her a simple, "Love you," text may be exactly what she's hoping forI don't think you're yet able to make the right call, especially if you just googled something like, "I still love my ex" or "I still have feelings for my ex" Once you're back near your 'default' feelings and state of mind, go ahead and proceed with the next section below, as we calculate (for real) whether you want your exI hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me even if you don't take me back I hope I will forgive myself for being so stupid to lose the love of my life But most of all I hope you will be happy You deserve to be You deserve the world In the end, I want to say "I love you" Pleksn...